日時 :2020年9月27日
講師 :作田奈苗
会場 :オンライン(ZOOM)
企画 :アルン・シャム
ジャヤシュリー•ボパトカル(SPPU大学/TMV 大学、非常勤講師)
語学学習には質の良い大量のインプットが重要だと言われます。多読は、このインプット を、好きなものを楽しくたくさん読むことで達成する方法です。しかし、その方法は独特で す。辞書を使わず、わからない言葉を飛ばし、つまらない本は読むのをやめるのです。どうして多読がいいのでしょうか。授業の時、教師は何をするのでしょうか。多読の意義と具体 的な授業のやり方、そして多読の効果ついて、体験していただきながらご紹介します。
Janashruti Chandra, Jawaharlal Nehru University, India
More than 200 Japanese language teachers and learners from across 17 countries came together for a lecture by Sakuta Nanae who is also associated with NPO Tadoku organization to talk about Tadoku as an effective activity to help learners acquire reading skills.
In her lecture, she explained how it differed from “dokkai” and is more learner centric as they themselves select a book of their choice and enjoy the reading process. The books are graded and color coded for easy selection and have many pictures. The theme of the books range from simple picture books, to folk tales, short stories, general knowledge and even manga/anime comics. Most have an audio aspect included too so the input is not restricted to through eyes only. By reading extensively, not only do the learners get fluent in reading, but learn vocabulary and expressions embedded in the context and also overcome the hurdle of kanjis as all have furigana in the tadoku booklets Both the print form and electronic forms were introduced with many resource sites free and paid versions shared as information with the audience.
Tadoku was introduced to Japan in the backdrop of Extensive Reading as input for English language education and has slowly been proved as effective for Japanese. For Japanese, tadoku is based on the four main principles, i.e. the students start from the easy level always, do not use dictionaries, skip the parts they don’t comprehend and move to another book altogether if they face difficulties. The speaker shared a classroom visual of how tadoku class is conducted and elucidated on the role of the teacher as a facilitator who introduces many books, advises on the selection, observes the class, takes feedback, gives tasks of book report and inviting class discussions. In the recent pandemic setting tadoku has also shifted to the digital mode where students beyond classroom too can access the books and also listen to the books. However, observing the class for the teacher gets difficult and peer interaction is missed out.
At the end of the lecture there was a Q&A session where questions related to ideal strength of tadoku class, methodology for assessment were taken up. There was a web introduction for the participants to freely browse and discuss what their takeaways were from tadoku as an activity. It was heartening to note that tadoku is picking up interest in South Asia and many institutions using it as a teaching learning methodology. It is hoped that in near future some concrete research from the region will be there and more students will feel encouraged to try out tadoku.
The forum ended with an informal networking interaction across geographical coordinates and discussion among the participants.
和訳 : Vamshi Krishna B M, The EFL University, India
「常に易しいレベルから始める」「辞書を使わない」「分からないところは飛ばす」「内容が難しければ、別の本に移る」という4つの柱で成り立っている多読は、英語教育のインプットとしてのEXTENSIVE READINGを背景に日本に導入され、時期に日本語教育にも効果的学習手段であると認められた。作田教授は、動画を通して「多読」授業がどのように行われるかを紹介し、選書のアドバイス、フィードバックおよび評価方法に明かりを照らした。ここで、担当先生の役割は感想文の課題を与え、議論できる場を作るファシリテーターにすぎないということを再び強調した。なお、新型コロナウイルスの拡大の中では、多読授業もデジタル形式をとり、教室に限らず多様な地域から学生が本をアクセスできるようになったが、そのわりに授業を観察することは難題となり、通常できるピアインターアクションができなくなっているとその旨述べた。